The eighth meeting of the Summer Institute in Economic Geography was hosted by the Department of Geography at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. 

The meeting was organized by Susan Roberts, Michael Samers, Andrew Wood, Matthew Zook, and Jamie Peck. 

The event was supported by: 

  • Department of Geography, University of Kentucky 
  • Economic Geography/Clark University 
  • Economic Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) 
  • Economic Geography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers 
  • Sage Publications


Featured speakers

Gavin BridgeGavin Bridge 

Professor of Geography, Department of Geography  
Durham University, UK

Neil M. CoeNeil M. Coe 

Professor of Economic Geography and Head of Department, Department of Geography  
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Beverley MullingsBeverley Mullings 

Associate Professor of Geography, Department of Geography  
Queen’s University, Canada

Jane PollardJane Pollard 

Professor of Economic Geography, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies  
Newcastle University, UK


Azmeh, Shamel - LSE, UK

Brown, Megan - University of Washington, USA

Burns, Ryan - Temple University, USA

Cai, Siyu - UCLA, USA

Cardenas, Kenneth - York University, Canada

Carey, Jeffrey - Queen’s University, Canada

Chang, I-Chun Catherine - Macalester College, USA

Cockayne, Daniel - University of Kentucky, USA

Cohen, Dan - UBC, Canada

Collard, Rosemary-Claire - Concordia University, Canada

Connor, Dylan - UCLA, USA

Cookson, Tara - Cambridge University, UK

Cox, Spencer - University of Minnesota

Cranston, Sophie - Loughborough University

Danyluk, Martin - University of Toronto

Faller, Fabian - Kiel University

Fox, Chloe - University of Toronto

Harlan, Tyler - UCLA, USA

Hashimoto, Yui - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

Henry, Caitlin - University of Toronto, Canada

Horton, Amy - Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Inverardi-Ferri, Carlo - University of Oxford, UK

Katundu, Mangasini - Moshi Cooperative University, Tanzania

Kay, Kelly - LSE, UK

Lan, Tu - University of New Hampshire, USA

Leszczynski, Agnieszka - University of Auckland, New Zealand

Loomis, Jessa - University of Kentucky, USA

Machacek, Erika - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Müller, Felix Claus - Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Germany

Rioux, Sébastien - Université de Montréal, Canada

Rosenman, Emily - UBC, Canada

Sippel, Sarah Ruth - University of Leipzig, Germany

Sphar, Jeff “Alex” - Clark University, USA

Tessmann, Jannes - University of Cologne, Germany

Thrower, Graham - Newcastle University, UK

Tucker, Jennifer - University of California, Berkeley, USA

van der Wouden, Frank - UCLA, USA

Walenta, Jayme - Texas A&M University, USA

Wang, Yue - University of Manchester, UK

Zhang, Xu - Wuhan University of Technology, China