“The seventh Summer Institute in Economic Geography was one the most useful but also enjoyable academic experiences of my life. It was a great opportunity for an in-depth understanding of all the contemporary discussions inside the discipline, something extremely important for me especially in a period of economic difficulties in Greece.”

Thanos Andritsos, doctoral researcher, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece 

"A fantastic six-day intensive all around economic geography, from discussing main lines of recent research, different methodologies, publishing strategies and career building, to connecting to peers and leading faculty from all around the world. The summer institute can be highly recommended to PhD candidates and postdocs.”

Melanie Fasche, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

“Being part of the Summer Institute in Economic Geography in Zurich gave me a sense of belonging to a community of economic geographers, a better understanding of how my work fits into the discipline and confidence in knowing how to contribute to the field with my work. I have kept in touch with many of the people I met and have co-organised several sessions at international conferences since with several people, and we still do support each other. The opportunity to spend a whole week with an international group of people was priceless in establishing a mutual appreciation of our work and the building blocks of life long relationships. Please keep organising it!”

Ralitsa Hiteva, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Science Policy Research Unit and Sussex Energy Group, University of Sussex, UK

“I already knew that economic geography is a heterodox and highly diverse field before attending the Summer Institute. But these six days of intense input and exchange helped me to make some sense of this diversity, to feel better equipped for navigating it, and to see my own position within it more clearly. For me, this was a unique opportunity for engaging with scholars and students from a variety of backgrounds beyond the often rather hectic conference gatherings, and to learn and benefit from their rich and diverse experiences.”

Alexander Vorbrugg, doctoral researcher, Department of Human Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

“The Summer Institute has become a right of passage in economic geography. It’s the can’t-miss, traveling genius loci where young scholars in the field can forge connections across continents that produce conference panels, special issues and other collaborations for years to come. It’s been less than a year since I attended and it’s already responsible for one conference panel, and a special issue is in the works.”

Mark Kear, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona